Samsoe Stavnsfjord 042

CSR Policy Commitment

Our commitment

Molslinjen's CSR Policy

The Triple Bottom Line

Molslinjen is committed to contributing to the freedom of movement for as many people as possible.

Our services connect Denmark and are the lifeblood for our many islands.

Capacity, accessibility, and quality are key elements of our efforts. 

Our contribution shall never compromise our firm commitment to safety, including the right to a safe and healthy working environment, nor our firm commitment to reducing our CO2 emissions by 70 per cent before 2030.

In providing our services, we will demonstrate responsible corporate conduct by continuously identifying, preventing, or mitigating adverse impacts on sustainable development.

Our commitment rests on internationally recognized principles that are essential to sustainable development; human rights (including labor rights), environmental, and anti-corruption principles.

The principles are referenced by the UN Global Compact and made operational through the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

We comply with national regulations wherever we operate. In addition, our commitment means that we will identify, prevent, and mitigate adverse impacts on core principles for human rights, the environment, and anti-corruption. We will communicate about how we manage such impacts.

We handle potential and actual adverse impacts, which we cause or contribute to, or to which we are directly linked through our business relations, e.g. our suppliers.

Molslinien Nye 19 600X600

Our Expectations of employees

We expect our employees to assist us in living up to our commitment by acting in accordance with this policy in their daily work.

We will embed our CSR commitment in the daily work of both our employees and management through training, communication, and ongoing assessments.

Our Expectations of business relationships

We expect all of our business relations to meet the globally agreed minimum standard for responsible business conduct as expressed in this commitment.

Business relations shall also avoid causing or contributing to adverse impacts on the key elements of social, environmental, and economic sustainability, and address any adverse impacts, when they arise.

If we become aware of unattended severe adverse impacts with our business relations or in our value chains, we will use or build our leverage to make the business that causes or contributes to the impacts stop them and ensure that they are prevented or mitigated in future.

Samsoe Stavnsfjord 105 600X600
Samsoe Jnk7791 600X600


This policy commitment is reflected in all relevant policies, guidelines, and procedures in the company.

To ensure compliance, we encourage our employees, customers, business relations, and other stakeholders to call our attention to any severe potential or actual adverse impacts on human rights, the environment, and anti-corruption that are associated with our services, products, or business relations.

Policy Commitment development

This policy is developed and approved by the Board of Directors. Molslinjen had external experts assist in preparing the policy commitment.

The policy commitment is publicly accessible and communicated both internally and externally. To reflect the stage of our implementation and to ensure that we maintain focus on sustainable development, we will revisit and if necessary, revise this policy every two years.

Samsoe Stavnsfjord 147